About The Program:
With the belief to build a healthy ecosystem as per the Industry Standards REGex Software brings a FREE BOOTCAMP on PYTHON. We organize Python Bootcamp Program for improving the knowledge and skills of the Students/Professionals, so that they can become expert in Python and get their Dream Job in Software Development Field in Big MNCs.
REGex Software Services’s “Free Python Bootcamp” program is a valuable resource for beginners. This program will introduce you to Python Programming from Basics to Advance. If you want to learn Python, REGex introduce this program for you.
24*7 Mentorship Support
Live Sessions by Expertise Trainers and Access of Recorded Session is also available
Get a chance to work on Industry Oriented Projects to implement your learning
24*7 Mentorship Support available for all Students to clear all of your doubts
REGex provides Internship / Job opportunities to the best Students in different Companies.
● Prerequisites Python Course
● Objectives of the Course
● Who should do the course
● Python Training Course Duration
● Introduction to Python
● History of Python
● Python Installation
● Python Ide’s Installation – Pycharm & Anaconda
● Statements
● Comments
● Variables in Python
● Memory Management
● Integers
● Float
● Complex
● Bool (Boolean)
● String / String Handling
● Python Operators and Operands
● Python Arithmetic Operators
● Python Relational Operators
● Python Comparison Operators
● Python Assignment Operators
● Python Bitwise Operators
● Python Conditional Statements
● Python Iterative Statements
● Python Interruptive Statement
● List & List Comprehension
● Dictionary & Dictionary Comprehension
o Functions with Arguments
o Function with Return Keyword
o Types of Arguments
o Variable-Length Argument Variable – *args
o Variable-Length Keyword Argument Variable – **kwargs
o Nested Functions
o Closure
o Recursion Function
o Open File
o Read Data from File
o Write Data into File
o Append Data in File
o With Keyword
o Text Files
o CSV Files
o OOPS Principles
o Define Classes, Objects, Reference Variables, Self
o Python Class and Objects
o Types of Variables
o Types of Methods
o Inheritance
o Super Keyword
o Polymorphism (Overloading & Overriding)
o Abstraction
o Encapsulation
o Multi-Tasking
o Multi-Processing
o Multi-Threading
o Creating Child Thread
o Child Thread without creating a class
o Child Thread by extending Thread class
o Child Thread without extending thread class
o Daemon Threading
o Errors and Exception in Python
o Try Block
o Except Block
o Else Block
o Finally, Block
o Built-in Exception Handling
o User Defined Exception Handling
o Introduction Regular Expression
o Validating using Functions Like
o Search()
o Match()
o Findall()
o Finditer()
o Fullmatch()… etc
o UserID & Password Validation
o Input & Email Validation
o PanCard & Mobile Number Validation.
o Lambda
o Map
o Filter
o Reduce
o Introduction to Decorators
o Prerequisites for Decorators
o Nested Functions
o Closure Property
o Passing reference of Function Reference
o Function Decorators
o Method Decorators
o Class Decorators
o Introduction to Generators
o Yield Keyword
o Difference between Function & Generator
o Introduction to Serialization
o Structure and Container
o Pickle Module
o pickling built-in data structures
o byte strings
o binary
o json parsing
o construction – json, simple
o Numpy
o Pandas
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