Principal Component analysis (PCA – Theory)
PCA with Case-Study
Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA) for Dimension Reduction
Feature Selection to Select the Most Relevant Predictors
Confusion matrix
Accuracy Paradox
CAP Curve
K-Mean Clustering Intuition
K-Mean selecting Numbers of Cluster
NLP Intuition
Types of NLP
Classification vs Deep Learning Models
The Neuron
Activation function
How Neural network work & learn by itself
Gradient Descent
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Ethics of Deep Learning
What are convolutional neural networks [CNN] ?
CNN Architecture
CNN Code preparation
Recurrent Neural Networks
Several layers
■ ReLLu Operation
■ Pooling
■ Flattering
■ Full Connection
Sample Selection
Probability Theory
Model Relationship
Model Fit
Descriptive Statistics
Types of Data
Qualitative Data
Different Plots
Centrality and Spread
Median, Mean, Mode
What is computer vision & its application
Face Detection
■ Adding more features & Categorization
■ Object Detection & Image creation
■ Working with Images & vectors
Facial Expression Recognition in Code (Binary / Sigmoid /Logistic Regression)
What are Vectors
Working with word Analogy
Text Classification
Pre Trained word vectors from word2vec
Language Models
Introduction to Tensorflow / Keras
Most used right now
Resources gathering
Keras dealing with Missing Data
Dealing with Categorical data
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